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technician repairing an hot-water heater

Getting the Most From Your Water Heater This Summer

A hot bath in the winter is a marvelous thing, but you probably forget how often you shower in the summer. Few people do it beneath a cold spray, and that’s a lot of water down the drain. Let’s consider ways to economize.

Insulate Your Water Heater

Insulate your water heater’s tank and adjacent pipes to save money over the summer. Doing so reduces the escape of heat. Use insulation that properly surrounds your water heater’s tank and pipes. Be sure to leave space for the thermostat and other components that need to be accessed now and then.

Turn Down the Temperature

Most people overlook this tip, although it can be a great way to save money during the summer months. Simply lower the temperature a bit on your water heater. The factory preset is usually between 130 degrees and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Even lowering the temperature 10 degrees can make a difference on your utility bill.

Have Your Water Heater Flushed

Sediment can build up in water heaters over time, especially in older ones. As summer arrives, have your tank flushed to get rid of sediment and other minerals. Flushing refers to the process of draining your water heater and filling it up again with fresh water.

Consider a Tankless Water Heater

Tankless water heaters save money and improve efficiency. Summer is a great time to invest in a tankless water heater, and the savings will add up throughout the year. Water heaters that are free of a tank can be placed almost anywhere.

Make Sure Your Water Heater Is Sized Correctly

A water heater that’s not correctly sized for your needs is one that’s going to waste money over the summer. Take a moment to figure out how much water you need from your water heater on average. If it’s too far off your current appliance’s capacity in either direction, consider investing in a new water heater.

Find Ways to Use Less Hot Water

Lastly, find creative ways to use less hot water over the summer. One option is to use paper plates now and then instead of dishes. Other ways to cut down on water heater usage include some basic conservation notions. You’d be surprised how much hot water you’d save by simply taking shorter showers. Also, instead of constantly letting water run while doing the dishes, try filling one side of the sink with soapy water and use the other to rinse.

Consider Water Treatment Options

Hard water causes various problems in the home from spots on glasses and dingy laundry to corroded pipes. By contributing mineral buildup to the tank, it also affects how your water heater operates and makes the anode rod erode faster. Water softeners can help with this.

Contact Bearden Plumbing Solutions in Adairsville, GA today to learn more about our water heater services.